Postpartum, Infertility, and Parenthood

Many individuals and couples I work with feel overwhelmed by the rollercoaster of emotions associated with infertility, pregnancy, and parenthood. They often feel like they have to pretend everything is okay when in reality they feel isolated, anxious, and as if everything is falling apart.

I’ve been there.

After my daughter was born, I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, and my marriage seemed like it was crumbling. There were many days when I wondered if I and my marriage would ever recover. Amidst one of the biggest transformations of my life, I felt completely vulnerable and alone. Simultaneously, many of my friends were having similar experiences. I started to wonder why infertility, pregnancy, and parenthood were such huge stressors on relationships. I wanted to find ways to find relief for myself and my friends.

I believe individuals and families can find strength and healing in the most difficult of times. 

While infertility, pregnancy, and new parenthood can be massive sources of disconnection and isolation, these experiences can also be an opportunity to strengthen your relationship, heal old wounds, and set your family up for mental and emotional wellbeing in the long run.

Through our work together, I’ll help you reconnect to yourself so you can reconnect to your loved ones. By strengthening communication skills, examining relationship patterns, and practicing new ways of relating to each other, we’ll transform stressful experiences into experiences of learning and growth. 

I believe everyone deserves support.

Infertility, pregnancy struggles, and new parenthood challenges impact all couples. My practice is affirmative, open, and supportive to people of all genders, sexual orientations, backgrounds, ethnicities, and religious practices. I will honor and support your beliefs and your practices while offering you the opportunity for understanding and growth. 


Navigate motherhood with confidence

Whether you’re pregnant or you’ve recently had a baby, sadness and anxiety can feel all-encompassing. It may feel like you’ve lost control, you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re fighting with your partner, or you worry constantly about the baby. With perinatal counseling, I’ll help you regain your sense of confidence so you can start to feel like yourself again.

Navigating fertility treatment with support

Infertility can be one of the most isolating and stressful experiences someone can go through. When it seems like your friends can get pregnant easily, and the questions from well-meaning family seem never ending, you may feel like you want to hide from everyone. Even though your friends and family may not understand, there are resources available to help you through this.